So you’re ready to propose!

You’ve been dating a while, and you’ve chatted about “the future”. It’s time. She’ll definitely say yes. You’re sure of it. Well, 95% sure, because you know, it’s still scary AF. But you’re doing it. Definitely doing it.

Should I book a photographer?
Well, this is a personal decision, but all the guys who have booked me opened the conversation with “she will kill me if there isn’t a photographer there to capture the moment”! So I guess that means that you will know if it’s something you should be doing. Actually, you’re unlikely to be here if you don’t think that a photographer is a good idea (so welcome, and I’m happy that you are visiting!).

Proposals are some of my absolutely favourite shoots. I won’t lie – I’m a bundle of nerves the whole time (will she say yes? will I be able to stay hidden until it all goes down? and of course the inevitable – I hope that I don’t need to pee!!!!)
I’m excited for you. Nervous for you. And I wouldn’t have it any other way! It’s an adrenaline rush second to none (especially if I’ve had to race to the top of Lion’s Head ahead of you in the dark so that you can propose at sunrise at the top – yes, been there, done that, it was AWESOME)
How does it all work?
You’ve never done this before! Where do you start? What do you do? How far in advance do you need to plan?
All very important questions. Let’s get to answering them.
Where do you start?
At the beginning, I guess. And in this case it’s deciding things like where you would like to propose, when you would like to do it, and whether there is anything that needs to be set up to make it happen.
What do you do?
Do you need to make special bookings? Helicopter flips? Picnic to set up? Restaurant booking?
Get those out of the way as quickly as possible to ensure that the plans can fall into place. Once you have a date and time (or if things are flexible, we can work together), then contact me so that I know where I need to be & what time things will be happening.
We can either meet for a coffee & plan everything together, or we can do it on the phone (it’s totally up to you). And then we get ready for the big day!
How far in advance do you need to plan?
This totally depends on what you have planned, and when you’re planning on proposing. If you’ve decided to propose on your anniversary, which just happens to be mid-week this year, then chances are good that you can contact me 10-14 days in advance. But if you’re planning for a public holiday, or on a weekend, then the earlier the better. Particularly if it’s in “season” (Spring/Summer – basically any time when weddings are more likely to happen, as those dates book up up to a year in advance!)

Right! Let’s book!
In case I’ve got you convinced that I’m the photographer for you, and you’d like to get the ball rolling – just fill in the contact form below. Actually, if you’d just like to chat about the ideas you’ve been throwing around, fill in the contact form below as well, and we can figure it all out together!